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Terms of Service

Regarding use of this website

This website is operated by Lewis Corporation Co., Ltd. When using this site, please be aware of the following terms of use.


1. Disclaimer

  • We cannot guarantee the accuracy or validity of the information posted on this website. We are not liable for any damages arising from the use of this information.

  • We are not liable for any damages or disadvantages arising from actions taken by users based on the information on this site.


2. Changes to and Suspension of Services

  • The Company may change the contents of this website, the terms of use, URL, and the contents provided, or suspend the service without prior notice. The Company shall not be liable for any interruption of the service due to force majeure such as natural disasters.


3. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

  • The content posted on this website (photos, videos, logos, etc.) is copyrighted by our company or a third party who holds the rights. Unauthorized duplication or diversion of this content is strictly prohibited.

About the links
We strictly prohibit links from the following types of sites:

  • Sites that contain content that slanders or libels our business or services

  • Sites that contain information that encourages acts that violate the law or public order and morals

  • Sites that use frame links or other methods that display this site as a part of the site

    These terms of use are intended to ensure that users use this site safely and appropriately. We look forward to your continued support of Lewis Corporation.

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